Introduction to the Internet

Introduction to the Internet


Credit Spring 2019
01/22/2019 - 05/19/2019

Course Information

Section 002
Distance Learning
James Hanson

Office Hours

No office hours have been entered for this term

Course Requirements

Each week, one or more research assignments is/are due. Most projects are written and require internet access for research. You'll also be designing and posting your own web page. Instructions are in Blackboard

Grade Policy:  Grade will be based on attainment of knowledge and skills.

             It will be possible to earn 1000 total points in the class, with the grades distributed as follows:

            Exam 1:                                200 points

            Exam 2:                                200 points

            Project (web page):          100 points

            Exam 3:                                200 points (comprehensive final exam for Tutorials 1-10)

Weekly Assignments:                  300 points total


Grade Scale:
90%  - 100%         A              900 – 1000 points

            80%  -  89%          B              800 -  899 points

            70%  -  79%          C              700 -  799 points

            60%  -  69%          D              600 -  699 points

            0%    -  59%          F               < 600 points



Approved Course Texts/Readings:

New Perspectives On The Internet: Comprehensive, Loose-leaf Version 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1337283908, ISBN-10: 1337283908

 Jessica Evans (Author)

 Ralph Hooper (Author)


Course Subjects

Browser Basics

Basic Communication on the Internet

Searching the Web

Information Resources and the Web

Downloading and Storing Data

User-Generated content on the Internet

Wireless Networking and Security

Creating Effective Web Pages

Security on the Internet and the Web
Electronic Commerce
Introduction to Data on the Internet




Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

Use and configure web browsers; use the Internet to locate, transfer, and publish information; create a basic HTML document; use e-mail services; and explain issues in choosing an Internet service provider.


This course is an introduction to the Internet covering the elementary concepts of networked computer systems and introducing you to various communication tools for finding and using the information and resources available on the Internet and for communicating on the Internet.  At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • discuss elementary Internet concepts and history
  • make a successful Internet connection
  • demonstrate simple principles of Internet Protocol (IP) addressing
  • use and customize a web browser
  • use e-mail to send and receive messages
  • create a website and publish a simple web page
  • use File Transfer Protocol (ftp) to perform file downloading and uploading
  • use compression and decompression software
  • use Usenet to read and post messages to newsgroups
  • use Web search tools
  • demonstrate Internet research tools


Class Schedule   ITNW 1337 - Introduction to the Internet



Due Date







Module 1



Browser Basics

Search me #1



Module 2



Basic Communication on the Internet: Email



Module 3



Searching the Web

Search me #2



Module 4



Information Resources and the Web




Module 5



Exam 1


Modules 1-4   (Exam is Online)

User-Generated content on the Internet




Module 6



Internet Security

Search me #3



Module 7



Wireless Networking



Module 8



Creating Effective Web Pages



Spring Break






Web Page Project



Start now!



Web Page Project



Submit link for project





Exam 2

Search me #4

Modules 5-8 (Exam is Online)



Module 9



Electronic Commerce



Module 10



Introduction to Data on the Internet

Search me #5



Appendix A



Internet and the World Wide Web





Search me #6






Exam 3

Comprehensive Final  

Modules 1-10 (Final Exam is Online)

Last day to turn in anything…




Course Desciption/Rationale

This course is a beginning course about the Internet and is a required course in the Web Developer Specialist Certificate.

Course/class policies

Academic Integrity

A student is expected to complete his or her own projects and tests.  Students are responsible for observing the policy on academic integrity described in the Current ACC Student Handbook, under “Student Discipline Policy, Section C”.


“Acts prohibited by the college for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work.  Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their own thought, research or self-expression.  Academic work is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations, and homework”.


The penalty accessed will be in accordance with the current ACC Student Handbook policy. See for more information.



A student may receive a temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete) at the end of the semester only if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied:

The student is unable to complete the course during the semester due to circumstances beyond their control.

The student must have earned at least half of the grade points needed for a “C” by the end of the semester.

The request for the grade must be made in person at the instructor’s office and necessary documents completed.

To remove an “I”, the student must complete the course by two weeks before the end of the following semester.  Failure to do so will result in the grade automatically reverting to an “F”.


Freedom of Expression Policy


The department faculty expects each instructor and student to respect the right of others to express their views related to classroom discussions.


Attendance / Withdrawal Policy


Students are expected to monitor online materials and meet due dates and will be held responsible for all material covered in the course.  In order to do this, students must perform the online orientation and the first assignment to get started successfully! If this is not done, it will be impossible for the student to pass this course.


It is the student’s responsibility to complete a Withdrawal Form in the Admissions Office if they wish to withdraw from this class.  The instructor may withdraw students from this class if their absences exceed 10% of the total number of class meetings.  It is not the responsibility of the instructor to withdraw the students from their class even though the instructor has the prerogative to do so under the above listed circumstances.Last day to withdraw and receive “W” grade is listed on the ACC website!



Students with Disabilities Policy


“Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities.  Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the Office for Students with Disabilities on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes.  Students are encouraged to make this request three weeks before the start of the semester.  (Refer to the current ACC Student Handbook)”



Assignment Policies

All assignments are due by Sunday midnight of the week in which they are assigned. Each assignment is expected to be researched and written by you.  Every assignment will require attributions (references) for any text taken from other web sites.  Cut and pasted text MUST be in quotes, with the specific web page listed at bottom of page.

Past due assignments lose ten percent of their value for each week they are late!



 Test Policies (Exams and Quizzes)


Anyone missing a test must inform the instructor one week in advance in order to make special arrangements. Unless special arrangements to the contrary are made, all makeup tests will be scheduled and taken offline – written. Scheduling of these tests will be during the instructor’s office hours, unless specific differing arrangements are made. Normally, only one online attempt to take a test will be allowed.

The final must be completed by Thursday, of the last week of class, or the student will fail the course.  It is expected that the student will keep informed of exam posting dates, etc., and any student missing exam(s) may be allowed to make it (them) up only at the discretion of the instructor.  The student will monitor Blackboard to keep abreast of exam posting dates, etc.


If a student fails to submit a test successfully online, the student will be required to schedule a written exam with the instructor, at the instructor’s discretion.