Federal Income Tax: Individual

Federal Income Tax: Individual


Fall 2011
08/22/2011 - 12/11/2011

Course Information

Section 001
Distance Learning
Tracie Miller

Section 002
Th 19:05 - 21:55
RRC3 3229.00
Tracie Miller

Section 003
Distance Learning
Tracie Miller

Office Hours

  • M W
    9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • M
    12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • W
    1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Th
    3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    Or by appointment

Course Subjects

Course Description: This course include basic instruction in the tax laws as currently implemented by the Internal Revenue Service, providing a working knowledge of preparing taxes for individuals. Emphasis on federal income tax law; individual income, exclusions, deductions, credits, gains, etc.; and incorporating these concepts into individual tax filing requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify the determinants of taxable income and the statutory exclusions that are permitted,
  2. Become familiar with the deduction component of the basic tax model,
  3. Learn various other components that relate to the theme of tax liability determination,
  4. Understand the purposes of the Federal tax law and the legislative, administrative, and judicial sources of Federal tax law, and
  5. Research and report on assigned tax questions.


Required Textbook/Materials:

South-western Federal Taxation 2012: Comprehensive(with Aplia Homework Access, H&R Block @ Home Tax Preparation Software, RIA Checkpoint 12-month Printed Acces Card for 2012 Tax Titles, CPA Excel), 35th Edition. Hoffman/Maloney/Raabe/Young. Approximate price: $250; ISBN: 9781133160571


Optional Textbook/Materials:

  1. South-western Federal Taxation 2012: Comprehensive Study Guide; Hoffman, Smith, Willis; South-Western Federal Taxation I recommend the study guide if you will use it. It's a great tool for reviewing the material in the chapters.
  2. I suggest that you purchase a CPA Review book for the Regulation section of the CPA Exam. This will help with preparing for the exams. Some examples are Gleim CPA Review Regulation 2012, Wiley CPA Exam Review Regulation 2012.

Course Requirements

Your grade will be based on the following:


Exams (3)

75 %

Quizzes (4)

15 %


5 %

Tax Returns (2)

5 %


GRADING SCALE:                                                 90% - 100%         A

                                                                                80% -  89%           B       

                                                                                70% -  79%           C       

                                                                                60% -  69%           D

                                                                                Below 60%          F



* Homework


Blackboard: Orientation Quiz

Aplia: Aplia Orientation

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Taxation and Understanding the Federal Tax Law

Aplia: Chapter 1 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 1 Graded

Chapter 2: Working with the Tax Law

Aplia: Chapter 2 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 2 Graded

Quiz: Chpt 1 – 2

Chapter 3: Tax Formula and Tax Determination; An Overview of Property Transactions

Aplia: Chapter 3 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 3 Graded

Blackboard: RIA Scavenger Hunt

Chapter 4: Gross Income: Concepts and Inclusions

Aplia: Chapter 4 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 4 Graded

Blackboard: Research Problem

Chapter 5: Gross Income: Exclusions

Aplia: Chapter 5 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 5 Graded


Chapter 6: Deductions and Losses: In General

Aplia: Chapter 6 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 6 Graded

Quiz: Chpt 3, 4, 5, and 6


Exam 1: Chpt 3, 4, 5, and 6


Chapter 7: Deductions and Losses: Certain Business Expenses and Losses

Aplia: Chapter 7 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 7 Graded

Blackboard: Tax Return 1

Chapter 8: Depreciation, Cost Recovery, Amortization, and Depletion

Aplia: Chapter 8 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 8 Graded

Chapter 9: Deductions: Employee and Self-employed-related Expenses

Aplia: Chapter 9 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 9 Graded

Chapter 10: Deductions and Losses: Certain Itemized Deductions

Aplia: Chapter 10 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 10 Graded

Exam 2: Chpt 7, 8, 9, and 10


Chapter 11: Investor Losses

Aplia: Chapter 11 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 11 Graded

Blackboard: Research Problem

Chapter 12: Tax Credits and Payments

Aplia: Chapter 12 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 12 Graded

Chapter 13: Property Transactions: Determination of Gain or Loss, Basis Considerations, and Nontaxable Exchanges

Aplia: Chapter 13 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 13 Graded

Blackboard: Tax Return 2

Chapter 14: Property Transactions: Capital Gains and Losses, Section 1231 and Recapture Provisions

Aplia: Chapter 16 Practice

Aplia: Chapter 16 Graded

Quiz: Chpt 11, 12, 13, and 14

Exam 3: Chpt 11, 12, 13, and 14


* Instructions for each type of assignment:

Aplia – Homework will be completed and submitted in Aplia.

Practice: Practice assignments are not required. However, by completing the practice assignments you will be better prepared to complete the graded assignment.

Graded: Graded assignments are required and will part of your final course grade.

Blackboard– Homework will be completed and submitted in Blackboard. Homework must be submitted in any of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf. Homework submitted in any other format will not be graded.

Quiz– Quizzes will be completed in Blackboard. Quizzes are not timed. You may use your book and notes. You may save and exit quiz as many times as needed up until due date.

Exam – Exams will be taken in testing center. No book and notes allowed. More information about the exams is provided in the blackboard site.