Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae - William Swearingen

Professional Publications



Environmental City: People, Place, Politics, and the Meaning of Modern Austin.  University of Texas Press, Austin.   2010


With Orum, Anthony: “Austin, TX”. TheNew Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, v 15, Urbanization.  (2010)


With Orellana-Rojas: “Theories of Space and Identity: Lessons from Here and Abroad”.  Research in Urban Sociology. (2000)  5: 81-109


“Sacred Space in the City: Community Totems and Political Contests”.  Research in Community Sociology. (1997) 7: 141-169


With Bartkowski J  1997. God Meets Gaia in Austin, Texas: A Case

Study of Environmentalism as Implicit Religion. Review of Religious Research38(4): 308- 324.


 “Trying to Create an ‘Environmental City’: Citizen Action in the Face of the Political Economy of Growth”.  Proceedings of the 12th Conference  on the  Small City and Regional Community. (1997)


“Barton Springs, the Environment, and Integration in Austin”. Texas Environmental Center,  Austin Texas. (1996)


Conference Papers


"Building the Environmental City: Conservation Strategies in Austin Past and Present".  Texas State Historical Association Annual Meeting, 2010


“Community and Conflict:  the Ideology of ‘Community’ and Integrated Communities”.   Association of Humanist Sociology, November 1998.


“Environment and Community: the Integrative Function of Urban Environmental Features”.  American Sociological Association, August 1996.


“Trying to Create an ‘Environmental City’: Citizen Action in the Face of the Political Economy of Growth”.  12th Conference  on the Small City and Regional Community, October, 1996


“Environmental City? The Emergence of the Environmental Meaning of Austin, Texas”.  Southwestern Social Science Association, March 1996.


“Structure, Position, and the Creation of Scientific Knowledge”.  Southwestern Social Science Association, March 1994.


“The Role of the Press in the Growth Machine”.  Southwestern Social Science Association, March 1993.


“Data Creation in Bureaucracies”.  Southwestern Social Science Association, March 1993.


Conference Organizing


Earth Charter Summit Steering Committee, Saint Edwards University, 2001


Co-organizer and Presider: Community and Conflict roundtable.  American Sociological Association, August 1998.


Session Chair:  Ethnicity, Culture, and Social Space.  Southwestern Social Science Association, March 1998.


Session Chair: Ethnicity, Culture, and Social Space.  Southwestern Social Science Association, March 1997.


Co-organizer: Protecting the Edwards Aquifer: Science, Economics, and Citizenship.  Austin, October 1997.


Workshop Organizer and Presider, 8th Annual Spirituality and Social Work Conference:  “Drumming Up Community; How Drum Circles Connect You to Yourself and Others”.  June,  2003




American Sociological Association

            Community and Urban section

            Environment section

Southwestern Social Science Association

Teaching Experience




Traditional Classroom Courses Taught


Race/Ethnic Sociology

Social Inequality/Social Problems

Research Methods

Urban Sociology           

Environmental Sociology


Social Statistics

Historical Sociology

Social Theory

Social Change


Introduction to Sociology


Online Distance Learning Courses




Social Inequality/Social Problems


Blended/Hybrid Courses


Social Inequality/Social Problems

Global Warming


Secondary Education Experience


English as a Second Language for grades 6 -8

            El Paso Independent School District.







Adjunct Professor, St. Edwards University


1/93 - present

            Adjunct Professor, Austin Community College



            Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo.


8/97 - 12/2000

            Adjunct Professor, Huston-Tillotson College, Austin, Texas

Related community and non-profit service



          Executive Committee, Austin Chapter, Sierra Club.  2006-present.


          Member, Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, City of Austin, 2000


          Chair, Austin Lands management Alliance 1998-1999


          Save Our Springs PAC Board of Directors 1998


          Steering Committee, Austin Parks Bonds Organization, 1998