Introduction to Speech Communication

Introduction to Speech Communication


Credit Spring 2021
01/19/2021 - 05/16/2021

Course Information

Section 016
Distance Learning
Shannon Debord

Office Hours

  • M W
    10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
    Virtual Office Hours link in your course
  • M W
    1:20 - 2:50 p.m.
    Virtual Office Hours link in your course
  • T Th
    noon - 2:30 p.m.
    Virtual Office Hours link in your course
  • T W Th
    8:20 - 9:00 a.m.
    Virtual Office Hours link in your course

Course Requirements

Assignments and Grading

Image of ACC Riverbat mascot.


Course Assignments and Weight

Assignment Format

All major assignments in this class must be typed and submitted in a Word document. Pages files are not accepted. Your assignments should be:

  • Typed using a one-inch margin (1.25 inches is also acceptable because it is the default setting)
  • Typed using a 12-point, non-script font (i.e. Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma)
  • Note cards can be handwritten
  • Double-spaced (except for formal outlines, which should be single spaced)

*Assignments that do not conform to these expectations will not be accepted.


Online Discussions (8 @ 25 points each)

Students will hold discussions each week, answering the discussion prompt with one to two paragraphs, and then reply to two other students, adding to the discussion for full credit. Be sure to have at least a paragraph of at least five sentences in all responses, and reference the concepts we are learning. Cite when necessary. You should have at least three posts per discussion week for the 25 points. Discussions will not be accepted late. The initial posts are due by Thursday of the last week of the discussion module. Replies are due by the end of the module’s discussion. Discussion posts are required to be made throughout the week, and will not receive full credit if all posts are made on one day. The essence of online discussions is that you are in the course multiple times during a module. Thus, discussions need to be ongoing on multiple days during a module. Read the directions on each discussion. Some discussions require additional posts for full credit.


Exams (4 @ 50 points each)

Students will take four exams, which will consist of 50 multiple choice or true/false questions. These will be taken online, to be finished before Sunday night by 11:59 p.m. on the due date. Exams may be taken anytime within the module they are due. Individuals who need accommodations in testing through SAS will need to let me know ahead of time.


Self-Reflection Communication Essay
(50 points)

Write a paper of 1-2 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, integrating concepts (at least five underlined and bold-face type vocabulary words) and writing about your personal communication habits. Include your thoughts on your own intrapersonal communication and your communication with others.


Paper: 50 points

Your paper should include the following parts:

  1. Several paragraphs describing your thoughts on your communication patterns, now and during childhood. You can choose the focus, but do include intrapersonal communication and two other types of communication.
  2. Use, explain, and apply at least five concepts/vocabulary words from the book, discussing how they apply to your communication style. Underline and bold the key concepts from the text.
  3. Paper must be one to two pages, with one-inch margins, double-spaced, and Times New Roman 12-point font. Any header space will not be included in the page count.



You will upload deliverables into the Blackboard Assignment prior to class on the assignment due date:

  1. Paper in a Word document or pdf file.




Active Listening
(50 points)

Practice active listening in interpersonal communication. Students will attend class during the appointed time and have a conversation with a student partner while in the presence of the instructor.


Speaker: 10 points              

Your conversation starter should generate interest on the part of the partner. Keep the conversation going for around four to five minutes. It can be on any topic you choose that is appropriate. The topic can meander, and you should let the conversation evolve naturally. This should not be a prepared interaction. Just have an idea of a health communication topic that you think would be a good conversation starter. When you speak, this is a part of your own grade. It’s part of a separate interaction from your listening interaction.


Student Self Evaluation:

Identify two of the following you used and how you used them: Perception Check, Summary, or Paraphrasing.

Identify two of the following you used and how you used them: Nonverbal communication, active commenting, or questions that promoted active listening: 10 points

Write how you used perception checking, summarizing, or paraphrasing.  Then write how you used nonverbal communication, active commenting, or questions that promoted active listening. Full credit for explaining how you used two of each. Submit in a Word document in the assignment the day of the assignment.


Evaluation: 30 points

Your active listening should indicate the following:

  1. Nonverbal communication during the conversation should be appropriate for active listening.
  2. You should make appropriate indications to continue the conversation, like asking questions, responding to questions, or making comments to advance the conversation that indicate you are listening to your partner.
  3. You should do a perception check, paraphrase, and summarize during the conversation, showing the partner you’re listening.
  4. Minus points for doing things like answering a phone call, tapping pencil, etc.



You will upload deliverables into the Blackboard Assignment after you complete the assignment:

  1. Turn in your Student Self-Evaluation paragraph in assignment comments or in a Word document on the day of the assignment immediately after you are done with both conversations, while it’s fresh in your mind.


Breaking the Norms of Communication OR Health History Interpersonal Project
(175 points)

This assignment is two-fold. You will need to conduct an interpersonal communication interaction with someone of your choosing. You will write a 3-4 page paper on the interaction, and then present your findings to the class.


Choice 1: Breaking the Norms of Communication: You will need to conduct an interpersonal communication interaction with someone of your choosing. You will write a 3-4 page paper on the interaction, and then present your findings to the class.

Paper: 150 points

Your paper should include the following parts:

  1. Description of the interaction: Who, what, when, where? Tell us the context of the interaction. (1 page)
  2. Describe rules you were observing/breaking (½ page)
  3. What happened in the interaction? Why do you think it happened? (½-1 page)
  4. Write a section using vocabulary from the text about interpersonal communication from this assignment? Use concepts from the text. (½-1 page)
  5. How will you apply what you learned from this assignment in your interpersonal communication in your everyday life and professional life? (½ page)


Choice 2: Health History Interpersonal Project: You will need to conduct an interpersonal communication interaction with someone of your choosing regarding health communication in that person’s life (or your own life). Either way, this person needs to be comfortable talking with you about this topic, so choose well. You will write a 3-4 page paper on the interaction, including five underlined and bold vocabulary words from Chapters 1-8 of our text (up to and including the interpersonal communication chapters) within the context of your paper. The words must be underlined and bold in order to count.

Paper: 150 points

Your paper should include the following parts:

  1. Description of the interaction: Who, what, when, where? Tell us the context of the interaction. (1 page)
  2. Describe the self disclosure that happened within the conversation regarding health communication, from your perspective. (½ page)
  3. What were your strengths and weaknesses within this interpersonal communication? (½-1 page)
  4. What did you learn about interpersonal communication, and specifically, health communication from this assignment? Use concepts from the text. (½-1 page)
  5. How will what you learned change how you approach your health communication in your family life, social life, and future professional life? (½ page)


For both choices:

Presentation: 25 points

Length: 3-4 minutes.
Presentation: Present your findings to the class. You should have an interesting attention-getting introduction, and a conclusion. No outline required for this assignment, as you will have turned in the paper. DO NOT just read your paper. Use the extemporaneous speaking style. Note cards should be 3 x 5, and should only include short key terms/phrases.



You will upload deliverables into the Blackboard Assignment prior to class on the assignment due date:

  • Paper in a Word document or pdf file.
  • You will turn in the note cards as one jpg file with all cards in one photo, or insert photo into a Word document, or a pdf file. The note cards need to be on actual index cards and a photo should be taken of them and uploaded into the assignment in one of the file types listed above.
  • Video should be submitted to the VoiceThread in the assignment.
  • 1. To get there, you click on Assignments on left menu in Blackboard
    2. Click on the assignment Breaking the Norms or Health History Interpersonal Project.
    3. Scroll below the assignment and click the link that says VoiceThread Presentation Breaking the Norms or Healthcare History Project.
    4. Then you click on the link to the upper right, Add your own.
    5. Then click on Create a new VoiceThread.
    6. Click on Add Media. You’ll click on Webcam Video, and record the video. Click on Stop Recording when done. It will play back, then click Save.
    7. Enter the title, which should be your LastName-FirstName-BreakingNorms. Click Save.
    8. Then click on Share and Return to Course. Click Submit/share with Introduction to Speech Communication.
    9. You should then be able to see the video thumbnail.

Group Communication – Problem Solving Activity in class
(100 points)

Your group communication assignment will be to conduct a problem solving group during class. Your deliverables will be hand-written for this assignment. There will be four groups that do this assignment during class. Each group will have 25-30 minutes to discuss the problem, and come up with possible solutions. You should use the entire time to discuss the problem and probable solutions. You need to use the reasonable decision-making process we will discuss in class.



You will upload deliverables into the Blackboard Assignment before AND after you complete the assignment:

  1. BEFORE MEETING: Group leader submits the meeting agenda. The agenda must be typed and submitted as a Word document or a pdf file.
  2. AFTER MEETING: Notetaker submits meeting notes, which may be handwritten or typed, and should include all steps in the process as solutions, and should be turned in as a jpg file, a Word document, OR a pdf file.






Informative Speech (5-7 minutes)

(225 points)

Delivery: 100 points

Outline: 50 points

Visual: 25 points

Audience evaluation: 50 points

  • Visual Aid required
  • Outline required

Students may choose a preferred topic for this presentation, with prior approval from the instructor. Topics need to be health communication related: Students should explain a significant aspect of their own health communication culture. Possible topics include social health customs/rituals, health insurance, history of a disease, diagnosis and what it means, mental health subjects, history of medical tools, a medical profession, disability, etc. Students will choose topics prior to the presentation so topics are not repeated. Library research is required for this assignment. All paperwork is due on the first virtual presentation day. You will turn in a preparation outline and a list of at least three sources along with note cards. A visual is required for this presentation.



You will upload deliverables into the Blackboard Assignment before AND after you complete the assignment:

  1. ON OUTLINE WORKSHOP DAY: Submit draft in Word or pdf format in the separate Outline Draft assignment.
  2. BEFORE FIRST Presentation Day: Outline with sources in Word or pdf format.
  3. BEFORE FIRST Presentation Day: Note cards in jpg, pdf, or inserted into a Word document.
  4. BEFORE FIRST Presentation Day: Visual PowerPoint or Google Slide Show (as a PowerPoint file).
  5. AFTER: Turn in your peer evaluation in the separate assignment the same day your peer presents as a Word document, or as text in the assignment comments.


Grading Policy/Schema

If you have concerns regarding a grade given on an assignment, consider waiting 24 hours before contacting me. During that time, encourage please review the assignment and grading criteria, contemplate the feedback given on the work, and then contact me if you still have questions about the grade given on the assignment. Don’t wait too long however. Grades are only open for discussion for a period of two weeks after the due date, whether you were present that day or not.  Please track your points/grade throughout the semester.

Letter Grade

Percentage or Points


89.5 – 100 percent


79.5 – 89.4 percent


69.5 – 79.4 percent


59.5 – 69.4 percent


59.4 and below


Incompletes are only awarded in special extenuating circumstances.




Assignment Points Tracking Table



Multiplied By

Percentage Weight

Total Points

Exam 1





Exam 2





Exam 3





Exam 4





Self-Reflection Communication Essay





Active Listening





Breaking the Norms of Communication OR Health Family History Interpersonal Project





Group Problem Solving





Informative Presentation





Online Discussions (8 @ 25 points each)












Course Textbook & Supplies

Understanding Human Communication, 14th ed., by Adler, Ronald B., Rodman, George, & du Pré, Athena. ISBN 9780190925697

This course is designated First Day Access, which means your book is available directly from Blackboard.

  • Computer access for Blackboard (Bb) quizzes and word processing.
  • Note cards (3x5 or 4x6).


Course Subjects

Course Calendar

 (Tentative, and Subject to Change) Please note that schedule changes may occur during the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and/or posted as a Blackboard Announcement and sent as an email.



Course Reading & Activity Description

Homework Due

Module 1 (Weeks 1-2)


Course Introduction

Human Communication: What and Why

Communication and Patient Safety

Communicating with Social Media

The Self, Perception, and Communication

Article: Health and Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Article: Who Am I? Self-Concept in Drug and Alcohol Recovery

Module 1 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 1/28, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 1/31)

Self-Reflection Communication Essay Due in Blackboard (Due by 11:59 p.m. 1/31)

Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3) (Due by 11:59 p.m. 1/31)


Chapter 1            

Ch. 1 Supplemental Article on BB

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Ch. 3 Supplemental Articles on BB

Module 2 (Weeks 3-4)


Communication and Culture



Article: NHS Patients at Risk


Article: Active Listening in Health Care

Nonverbal Communication

Module 2 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 2/11, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 2/14)

Exam 2 (Chapters 4-7) (Due by 11:59 p.m. 2/14)

Chapter 4

Ch. 4 Supplemental Article on BB

Chapter 5

Ch. 5 Supplemental Article on BB

Chapter 6

Ch. 6 Supplemental Article on BB

Chapter 7

Module 3 (Weeks 5-6)


Communicating for Career Success

Article: Leveraging the Psychology of Change

Leadership and Teamwork

Module 3 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 2/25, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 2/28)

Chapter 10

Ch. 10 Supplemental Article on BB

Chapter 11

Module 4 (Weeks 7-8)


Understanding Interpersonal Communication

Article: Professional Boundaries in Nursing

Managing Conflict

Module 4 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 3/11, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 3/14)

Exam 3 (Chapters 8-11) (Due by 11:59 p.m. 3/14)

Listening Activity (Virtual Meeting 3/2 at 5:30-7:30 or 7:30-9:30 p.m. in Zoom)

Group Activity (Virtual Meeting 3/2 at 5:30-7:30 p.m. or 7:30-9:30 p.m. in Zoom)

Chapter 8

Ch. 8 Supplemental Article on BB

Chapter 9



SPRING BREAK – NO Work Expected


Module 5 (Weeks 9-10)


Breaking the Norms OR Health History Interpersonal Communication Project Due in Blackboard (Due by 11:59 p.m. 4/4)

Module 5 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 4/1, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 4/4)


Module 6 (Weeks 11-12)


Preparing and Presenting Your Speech

Speech Organization and Support

Module 6 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 4/15, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 4/18)

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Module 7 (Weeks 13-14)



Informative Speaking

Persuasive Speaking

Module 7 Discussion: Interview your classmates online, Library Day/Informative Outline Online Workshop – Discuss Draft & Visuals (Initial post due Thursday, 4/29, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 5/2)

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Module 8 (Weeks 15-16)


Informative Presentations (Virtual Meeting 5/4 at 5:30-7:30 p.m. or 7:30-9:30 p.m. in Zoom)

Module 8 Discussion (Initial post due Thursday, 5/12, Replies due by 11:59 p.m. 5/16)

Exam 4 (Chapters 12-15) (Due by 11:59 p.m. 5/16)




Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

Student Learning Outcomes

1.  Foundations of Human Communication

1.1.   Apply the techniques of communication competency in a variety of health related settings.

1.2.   Develop skills in selecting and using a variety of therapeutic communication strategies and responses based on situational contexts, goals, and human needs.

1.3.   Integrate self-monitoring strategies to increase personal communication competence in the health care setting.

1.4.   Analyze the role of perception in health communication exchanges and employ various perception checking methods to enhance competency.

1.5.   Recognize the power of verbal and nonverbal messages and adapt messages effectively.

1.6.   Evaluate listening habits and practice therapeutic listening skills with participants of the health communication model.

1.7.   Identify the dimensions of cultural diversity and their influences on health related interactions.

1.8.   Examine the influence of using communication technologies on health care interactions.

2.  Interpersonal Communication

2.1.   Identify, analyze, and apply effective communication in health related interpersonal relationships.

2.2.   Recognize personal conflict style and demonstrate effective conflict management.

3.  Small Group Communication

3.1.   Engage in and evaluate the dynamics of small group communication among health care team members.

4.  Public Speaking

4.1.   Develop, research, organize and deliver an effective formal public health message.